Quick_Chessyness 1.41 released (05/09/2022)
A tiny change that might fix a small bug.

Quick_Chessyness 1.4 released (26/08/2022)
A little code to try and encourage king safety and hopefully fixed some bugs to some issues with castling. Seems to be working well but time will tell.

Quick_Chessyness 1.3 released (19/08/2022)
Trying to wean myself off this little project but I keep coming back. Fixed a silly bugs. Cleaned it up a little and added a bit of code involving forks. Should be a bit stronger and maybe a tad slower but not done enough testing to be sure.

Quick_Chessyness 1.2 released (16/08/2022)
These updates keep coming. Revamped the theme and added an annoying sound effect. This version has some re-balancing and tweaks to help look for fork and checkmate dangers without causing noticeable slow down. Beat version 1.1 in two out of two games so seems stronger.

Quick_Chessyness 1.1 released (16/08/2022)
This feels like a breakthrough. I made the first version hours ago as a faster spin off to Chessyness as that was taking some time thinking of moves. This new version not only effortlessly defeated Chessyness 2 out of 2 (whilst being much snappier) but also checkmated Pico Checkmate. That was a tense match till the end so more testing is needed to see which is the strongest, but as Pico Checkmate takes about three times as long as Quick_Chessyness to think of moves, this engine seems to be on the right track.

Just need to design some prettier chess pieces for it.

Quick_Chessyness 1.0 released (15/08/2022)
I release this the same day as version 1.5 of my pico 8 chess engine Chessyness https://adam-howell.itch.io/chessyness. This has a bunch of tweaks and changes to make it as fast as realistically possible at the expense of the quality of its moves. Also has its own theme to make it more distinct.

Pico 8 isn't fast and it was a bit of a pain developing a chess engine, as testing out each change and benchmarking it could take quite a long time. This faster engine is a bit funner to work with and, despite it's relative easiness, it's fun to play


quick_chessyness_linux.zip 716 kB
quick_chessyness_osx.zip 3.2 MB
quick_chessyness_raspi.zip 2 MB
quick_chessyness_windows.zip 958 kB

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